These are merely guidelines for taking care of your tattoo. You may find you like certain products and ways of healing your tattoo better. Everyones heals differently.
General Guidelines
- Always wash your hands before touching your tattoo.
- Treat your tattoo like an open wound—keep it clean and let it breathe.
When You Get Home
- Remove the bandage within 1–2 hours. Do not re-bandage.
- Gently wash your tattoo with antibacterial liquid soap using only your hands. No washcloths or exfoliants.
- Pat dry with a clean paper towel—do not rub.
- Wash 1–2 times daily unless it gets dirty. Overcare can cause irritation.
First 3–4 Days
- Apply a thin layer of unscented lotion (like Cetaphil) or tattoo ointment—nothing greasy or shiny, applying 1-2 times daily.
- Always use clean hands and avoid dipping back into the ointment after touching your tattoo.
- Do not use Vaseline, petroleum, Neosporin, or Bag Balm.
- At night, you may wrap your tattoo in saran wrap to prevent sticking to bedding. Avoid cloth bandages.
Clothing & Foot Tattoos
- Wear clean, soft clothing for the first two weeks—nothing abrasive.
- For foot tattoos: Go barefoot as much as possible. If wearing shoes, wrap the tattoo in saran wrap and cover with a clean cotton sock. Avoid sandals/flip-flops to prevent rubbing.
After Day 3–4
- Your tattoo will peel—this is normal! Do not pick at it.
- Switch to a mild, unscented lotion free of dyes and perfumes.
- Use lotion for at least two weeks, applying 1–2 times daily.
Things to Avoid
❌ Picking, scratching, peeling, slapping, or rubbing your tattoo.
❌ Soaking for two weeks—no swimming, baths, or hot tubs. Showers are okay.
❌ Sun exposure for at least three weeks—use sunblock after that.
❌ Wearing abrasive clothing, jewelry, or shoes that rub against your tattoo.
❌ Letting others touch your tattoo without washing their hands.
❌ Gym equipment—clean it well before use.
You Can Also
✔ Ice your tattoo to reduce swelling.
✔ Elevate it to minimize swelling.
✔ Take short showers to avoid overexposure to water.